Introducing...The Tuesday Local, my attempt at a weekly round-up of cool things related to (living/happening/working in/coming from) the great state of Kentucky. Here goes the 3rd installment:

Tonight's the night to be a dude in Lexington: it's AJ's annual Man-Night, where they serve sliders and sips (and might even show some sports on tv) while you shop for the ladies in your life with ease. They'll wrap your gifts and send you off smiling, knowing you've found just the thing with effortless ease.

Looking for something lovely in Louisville? We spied these topiaries at Mahonia and think they'd make such a sweet gift to bring some cheerful, fresh green to someone's life amidst the winter weather outside. These and lots more at their gorgeous spot in Nulu.

Just one of many fun classes offered through Level Up Louisville, you can master the art of macaron-making this week and quickly be everyone's favorite person with your sweet skills! If baking's not your bag, there are plenty of other workshops happening, from chalkboard lettering to holiday make-up lessons. Learning never looked (or tasted!) so good!


More to come next week, friends. In the meantime, cheers to (and from) Kentucky!


  • Posted byAmy Ward /


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