Elva Fields Blog
Leading Ladies: Ashley Fine of One Fine Day

Five years ago, we kicked off a series called Leading Ladies, featuring some of our favorite tastemakers, bloggers, and business owners and collaborating on a one-of-a-kind Elva Fields necklace for each of them. From the wonderfully colorful Joy Cho of Oh Joy! to the dynamic duo behind Cool Mom Picks, the talented Cassandra LaValle of coco + kelley and the beautiful Bri Emery of designlovefest among others, we had such fun creating signature looks for each lady.
I'm not sure when I first stumbled upon Ashley Fine's delightful blog One Fine Day. It's definitely been a few years since that fun discovery, and I've loved (and followed along with) her bright, cheerful, witty, and impeccable taste and style ever since. From her love of gin cocktails and polka dots to fresh flowers and ballet flats, I find myself nodding in agreement and smiling at pretty much everything she posts. (Including her occasional battles of wit and will with her adorable kiddo...I feel you there, sister.)
Here's what she had to say about how she first heard of Elva Fields:
When Emily approached me about participating in the Leading Lady series, I had to pinch myself! I started my blog, One Fine Day, 6.5 years ago as a creative outlet and online journal to document our mobile lifestyle (my husband is in the Air Force) and to share sources of inspiration along with some of my favorite things. Around that time, Pinterest was just beginning to take off along with the online magazine Matchbook. I can't remember which of the two I can thank for introducing me to Elva Fields jewelry first, but I quickly became obsessed. It wasn't long after that when I noticed some of my favorite blogging and design darlings like Oh Joy and Mrs. Lilien were fans as well. Who wouldn't fall hard for these dazzling duds?
I knew she'd have some fun up her sleeve when I asked her if she was game to be a Leading Lady, and when she sent the trio of vintages (above) in the cutest note and package to the studio, I couldn't wait to get started.
About the jewels she sent, Ashley had this to say:
The pieces incorporated in my necklace had been sitting in my jewelry box for awhile. The flower brooch and clip-on earring were pieces my father-in-law let me keep when we cleaned out his garage back in 2008. They were his mother's and he encouraged me to take a piece or two because he knew how much I also appreciate a sparkly accessory. The magnolia flower fell off a cuff I was given after I graduated from college. I took it to several jewelers to see if they could fix it for me, but I had very little luck. I was devastated that it broke, but held on to the idea that someone someday could help me and repair the beloved bracelet.
I immediately loved the gold and pops of vibrant hue in the pieces, but I also wanted some direction from Ashley on what she had in mind for the design, so she put together an inspiration board to get the ball rolling. Imagine our ear-to-ear grin when this arrived a few days later:
Between vivid hue and playful pattern, I knew she was a gal who'd go for a statement-making style, and my instinct was to throw all three of those beautiful vintages into the mix at the side of some seriously saturated strands in yellow, pink, and blue...like this:
But I also considered adding some vintage elements from our own collections to see if she wanted to break up the party a bit. This is what I proposed as another option, :
I knew which one I preferred, but the beauty of a collaboration is that all parties pitch in, and the results evolve and emerge from there. I was thrilled, however, when Ashley had the same thoughts I did.

We feel the same way about having Ashley as one of our Leading Ladies...it was such a joy to be inspired by the ideas in her mind and take the lead from her sense of style, creating something fun and cheerful that allows her to wear some of her cherished memories in a way that is entirely her own.
Ashley is a total bombshell and I loved discovering your blog, this series and this FABULOUS necklace you designed for her! It’s a beaut!
This piece is so gorgeous. I’d kill to own it if it could be recreated. Ashley is such a sweetheart and I was so happy to see her chosen. Love her IG.