Elva Fields Blog
The Pages of Boho

The only thing we loved more about the pages of Boho magazine (a new publication for stylish green living) than the fact that they are entirely made of 100% post-consumer fiber (thus reducing their ecological footprint by 8.2 American football fields full of trees, emissions of 5.1 cars per year, and water for a shower of 50.4 days) was that they were kind of enough to include Elva Fields Jewelry in them!
The spring issue features one of our favorite necklaces in its “Recycled, Restyled, Reused” segment, which highlights eco-friendly items that lived a previous life as something else…before they were turned into a fresh, new design for today. We love that our jewelry is pictured among some beautiful, fun creations, and we think you’ll love the whole magazine! Pick up a copy at Barnes and Noble, Borders, Whole Foods, Hudson News, Universal News, or start a subscription at bohomag.com.